This action will result in the early termination of your contract.
Early termination might result in rewards being clawed back.
Performance fees applies.
Contract Name
Contract Duration Remaining
95 Days
Contract Amount
10,000 USDT
Peformance Fee(5%)
10,000 USDT
Capital Receivable
10,000 USDT
*The capital receivable will be credited into your iusdt wallet after 2
Enter Your Contract Name
Please ensure that you enter your Full Name as accurately as possible. No amendments will be allowed on the E-Contract and in your profile once you submit this information. Any legal obligations may be void should there be any discrepancies in the information provided.
Full Name
Solidefi Jeju 2023
Lucky Draw Ticket
Ticket No:
Terms and Conditions
Each ticket represents a single chance.
Solidefi reserves the right to final decision in the event of any dispute.